Monday, August 9, 2010

I now pronounce you husband and wife. . .

Yesterday afternoon I attended a wedding for someone I have known for like 10 years. It was a beautiful wedding. It took place outdoors and was raining but other than that it was great. Only in Alaska, and maybe Seattle would it rain all the time in the summer. Weddings are great. I mean there's Cake, people in love, happiness, excitement, happy tears, and family. How could anything get any better than that?! Weddings are a lot of fun, its great to see two people coming together who love one another and want to be committed to each other for the rest of their lives. Every little girl dreams about their wedding and their prince that will end up sweeping them off their feet. Little girls dress up and act like its their wedding day. They always grow up looking forward to that day. When the little girls become young ladies they then switch gears to thinking that they need to hurry up and get married. There shouldnt be a hurry to get married. Most of America thinks this way, and in the end they all end up making a mistake and getting divorced. Weddings make you think a lot about the future and what it entails. Like, Will I ever get married? or Will that ever be me?. These questions probably pop into every young ladies head. But something else that we should all remember is that God has a plan for us. Sure we could all try and make a plan for ourselves but in the end God's plan is the only one that will end up working out for us. I heard that many times at the wedding yesterday.

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