Thursday, August 5, 2010

About me...

Where to start? Hmmm... I guess I could start by saying why I decided to make this blog. I decided to make this blog because I really enjoy writing and this way if someone wants to know what a stranger, unless you know me, is thinking and feeling. Also many people think that people that live in Alaska are all different than the rest of the United States. Really, we are just like everyone else. Also having a blog is a great way to write down your thoughts and feelings...
I am 17 years old, will be 18 on September 6th... :) I cant wait to be able to be 18. Not because I want to leave my house or anything, its just because 17 is right between two important ages, 16 and 18. If your really that stupid and couldnt figure it out, but I live in Alaska. I was born in Washington State but I have lived in Alaska for practically my whole life. Moved to Alaska in 2nd grade and I am now a Senior in High school. Alaska is all I know, so it is my home.
I am a lifeguard and WSI(water safety instructor). They both are a lot of fun and an easy way to make some money. I am a PK(Pastors Kid). Actually my dad just got promoted to being the DS(District Superintendent) of Alaska. Thats a big role!! That means that he is practically all of the Nazarene Churches in Alaska's boss... So I guess my dad is the big man on campus now.. ;)
In a couple of weeks I will start my Senior Year in High school, kinda exciting! As soon as I graduate I wish to leave Alaska to go to College and move on with my life. Dont get me wrong, Alaska is a great place.. If you like long cold and dark winters and short not hot summers. Alaska isnt bad also if you like that everyone knows everyone and there are only 400 students in your Middle/High School combined... And that the schools are so small that the teachers know who is dating who and when they broke up. Alaska is a great place if you like all of that...
I dont really like the cold so I hope to move down to California. :)
I hope to be able to go to a JC(Junior College) for two years and get my AA degree. Then transfer over to a Cal State or University for the rest of my college career.
I just returned from spending my summer in California with my Uncle/Aunt and cousins. I had a blast!! I really would like to be able to turn around and go back right now. I only have 291 more days and I will be graduated and living down there. While I was in California, I got really close with my family that I was staying with. So it is really hard for me to have to say goodbye to them...Also another reason why I started this blog. Having a hard time saying goodbye to them.
Anyways, I will get into that in a later blog... That about sums me up... I am a pretty chill person, You would really have to do something pretty bad for me to get really mad at you. In this blog you will learn everything about me... My thoughts, feelings, fears, excitements, dreams...
So without any more words than needed, I announce Thoughts of an Average Alaska... Enjoy.

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