Thursday, August 12, 2010


The thought of growing up and being 18 in 23 days is a very scary thought! Soon I will be off and on my own, Ill have to pay bills and everything. I also have to consider the thoughts about college. I am going to have to pay for it all of college by myself. I have no money saved up for it and it is quickly approaching!! How in the world am I going to be able to pay for college. I want to go to college EXTREMELY bad!!!!! I want to go to college and become an elementary teacher so that I can teach little ones to like school and how to read and how to travel around the world without even leaving their room(to travel around the world by reading books). I want to teach kids how to enjoy learning. Just like Miss. Williams did for me in 1st grade. She is the huge reason that I want to become an elementary teacher! She made it my dream ever since I was little!! I need to start saving the money for college, but even if I start saving the money now, there is no way that I will be able to have enough for even one year of college. Im really scared about this, What if I am unable to go to college?!? What will I do then!? Going to college has always been my plan and becoming a teacher has always been my dream! BUT how in the world am I going to make this dream of mine come true?!? I need help, I need ideas, I need more money to make my dreams come true. In the back of my mind I wish that my parents would have started a college fund for me while I was growing up, that could have helped out a lot. But I also understand that raising kids cost a lot, so we didn't have much money to just put aside for college. Something that I will definitely do for my kids is put at least a little bit of money away in an account for them for college. And if they choose to not go to college then the money goes to their kids who might want to go... Either way the money would only be used for someone's education! :)
Now that I am a Senior in High School, I have been secretly freaking out about all this money issue!! And freaking out about what I am going to do in 284 days when I am graduated and about to start my life and TRY to go to college. All I know is that I DONT want to be TOO much into debt! Plus, how in the world would I even get a student loan when I have like NO credit because I haven't had to pay for anything big... I REALLY REALLY want to get on with my life and jump out there and go to college and GROW up!!! But then all of this stuff pops into my head and I start FREAKING out!!!
HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW? This is what keeps popping into my head... HOW?!?!

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