Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can't Wait...

Okay, everyone that actually knows me and is reading this should probably stop reading this post NOW.......

Okay, if you didn't stop you cant come up to me complaining to me about me counting down the days. I cant wait till I graduate and leave Alaska!! I cant wait to be off and not have to call to check in with anyone and just leave and go where ever I want whenever I want. There are only 263 more days and I will be graduated and moving on with my life!!!! I cant wait until I don't have parents to keep asking me questions that are meaningless and don't do anything except for satisfy their own curiosity. 
A lot of people that are around me keep telling me to stop counting down and to just leave if I don't like it here so much! Well, to all the people who keep telling me to stop counting down... if you don't like it then don't listen!!! And to everyone who says just go back to California if I don't like it so much... Its not that I don't like Alaska, its just that I had a GREAT time in California and then coming back to Alaska where there is NOTHING to do... you would miss California too!! All of you people... Listen and Listen good to this next part.... I CAME BACK TO ALASKA FOR A REASON!!!!!! I WANTED TO GRADUATE IN ALASKA WHERE I HAVE BEEN GOING, I WANTED TO COME BACK TO GRADUATE WITH ALL OF MY FRIENDS.... If I didn't want to come back, TRUST me I wouldn't have. I came back to graduate and then I will leave, so just stop telling me to 'leave if I hate it here so much!' I wont go back to California UNTIL I graduate... SO FOR THE LOVE OF PETE......... STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Countdown.... 263 more days.....  

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