Sunday, September 12, 2010


Friday Night, I went to the Covey’s house for a youth Group Activity. All the teens from church were there, we played games and just had fun together. The Covey’s live on a lake and we went canoeing and kayaking and swimming. It was a lot of fun! I got to know everyone there better. Ever since I have gotten back from California, I see everyone differently than I did before. It is really hard to explain but its like I am a completely different person and I am finally seeing everyone for who they really are. I don't like saying this but I used to judge and “preach” to people. I’m pretty sure that everyone used to hate me because I was always the “serious” one that got mad at people for doing the “unchristian” thing. WHO AM I TO JUDGE?!?! I’m no one. I have finally realized that I HATE it when people judge me and preach to me, so now I am a completely different person. I guess I just don’t care anymore. I have finally decided that I am a new person. COMPLETELY different!!! :D I like being who I am. And I also realized that before, that was never really me… I have never actually been able to be myself, I have always tried to be the “good kid, the perfect one”. I am now able to be myself!!! :) It feels GREAT to be able to be myself and not feel like I have to try anymore.

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