Sunday, September 12, 2010


Last night was my LAST Homecoming. When you live in a small town in practically the middle of nowhere, almost everyone in the school shows up to the Powder-puff game, Bonfire, Football game, and the Dance. And everyone in school participates in all of the school activities. BUT this year our “Spirit Week” was the LAMEST I have ever seen!! There were dress up days like “Zoo-York Day”; where you were supposed to dress up like an animal. It was so dumb. The Senior class(my class) decided to change it to PJ day, so all of the Seniors wore PJs. ONLY the Seniors changed it though. We rebelled against our gay student council that picked out the days. I was pretty disappointed that my Senior year, LAST Homecoming had to be so retarded! The only dress up day that was fun was SCHOOL SPIRIT day. That day all we do is wear our school colors, paint our faces, make T-shirts, and go completely all out. Then at the end of the day there is a School Assembly(PEP RALLY)! That made the whole week not seem so retarded! Then later that night we had the Powder-puff game, pretty much all of our Seniors just left and went somewhere else so the other lowerclassmen won that one. Then after that was the bonfire. That was also lame!! I was at the bonfire for like 10 minutes and then decided to leave. The next day, Saturday was the Homecoming Football Game! We played Valdez, our JV team killed them. Then our Varsity came and played them and scored 41 points during the 1st quarter!!! It was insane! BUT since our football coach had integrity(ALOT of you people DONT know what that is), we let Valdez get one touchdown and then played our not so great Varsity players. The Football game was by far the best part!! My little brother, Sophomore, is a Varsity Starter. It is a LOT of fun to go and see him play!! :) After the Football game, I went to one of my friends house to get ready for the dance. Then later that night we went to the Dance. BY THE WAY, The dance was SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO LAME!!!!! The Music SUCKED! Most of the songs were undanceable! And on top of that it was insanely hot inside and PLUS there were a lot of people that were in a bad mood…A LOT of couples were arguing. Since we are a small school, when a couple is fighting, everyone knows!!! I finally left the dance at 11, even though it ended at 12. A lot of people left earlier than 10 too!! Needless to say, my last Homecoming was a pretty big disappointment!!!!! We also have a Homegoing, for basketball, IT BETTER BE BETTER THAN HOMECOMING!!!!!! Just another day in the life of an average Alaskan Senior!


Friday Night, I went to the Covey’s house for a youth Group Activity. All the teens from church were there, we played games and just had fun together. The Covey’s live on a lake and we went canoeing and kayaking and swimming. It was a lot of fun! I got to know everyone there better. Ever since I have gotten back from California, I see everyone differently than I did before. It is really hard to explain but its like I am a completely different person and I am finally seeing everyone for who they really are. I don't like saying this but I used to judge and “preach” to people. I’m pretty sure that everyone used to hate me because I was always the “serious” one that got mad at people for doing the “unchristian” thing. WHO AM I TO JUDGE?!?! I’m no one. I have finally realized that I HATE it when people judge me and preach to me, so now I am a completely different person. I guess I just don’t care anymore. I have finally decided that I am a new person. COMPLETELY different!!! :D I like being who I am. And I also realized that before, that was never really me… I have never actually been able to be myself, I have always tried to be the “good kid, the perfect one”. I am now able to be myself!!! :) It feels GREAT to be able to be myself and not feel like I have to try anymore.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Can't Wait...

Okay, everyone that actually knows me and is reading this should probably stop reading this post NOW.......

Okay, if you didn't stop you cant come up to me complaining to me about me counting down the days. I cant wait till I graduate and leave Alaska!! I cant wait to be off and not have to call to check in with anyone and just leave and go where ever I want whenever I want. There are only 263 more days and I will be graduated and moving on with my life!!!! I cant wait until I don't have parents to keep asking me questions that are meaningless and don't do anything except for satisfy their own curiosity. 
A lot of people that are around me keep telling me to stop counting down and to just leave if I don't like it here so much! Well, to all the people who keep telling me to stop counting down... if you don't like it then don't listen!!! And to everyone who says just go back to California if I don't like it so much... Its not that I don't like Alaska, its just that I had a GREAT time in California and then coming back to Alaska where there is NOTHING to do... you would miss California too!! All of you people... Listen and Listen good to this next part.... I CAME BACK TO ALASKA FOR A REASON!!!!!! I WANTED TO GRADUATE IN ALASKA WHERE I HAVE BEEN GOING, I WANTED TO COME BACK TO GRADUATE WITH ALL OF MY FRIENDS.... If I didn't want to come back, TRUST me I wouldn't have. I came back to graduate and then I will leave, so just stop telling me to 'leave if I hate it here so much!' I wont go back to California UNTIL I graduate... SO FOR THE LOVE OF PETE......... STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Countdown.... 263 more days.....