Thursday, October 21, 2010


Okay, its been like over a month since I posted on here. What better time than now?! I have been mildly busy. I am finally taking Drivers Ed class, that means I will finally be able to drive myself out of here whenever I want to... I cannot wait until I graduate and get as far away as I possibly can!!! Im SO sick and tired and being 18 years old and treated like a flipping 5 year old!! Okay, for all of you out there that don't know... Alaskans get something that is called PFD, its basically an amount of money that is given to you for living in Alaska. When your 18 you legally get it, BUT since I live under my parents house and they pay for my food, roof over my head, etc. I don't get any part of my PFD. A couple of my friends say that I should sue my parents because its basically illegal to them keeping money that is legally supposed to be mine. I am COMPLETELY done arguing with my parents about it. They keep saying, We will give it to you but you need to start paying rent, for food, your medical bills, your EVERYTHING. So I finally was like Whatever, Im done with this argument... They can have the money, I guess I don't really need it, I only wanted it to start a college savings account... Its all good in the hood, I can take out loans... Im not angry about this at all anymore. Im disappointed because I really wanted to start saving up some money for college. I also sort of understand where my parents are coming from. I mean this year I have to have my wisdom teeth taken out and that alone will got 3 thousand dollars. If I took the PFD then it would be taken away if I had to pay for that real fast!! Also they do pay for my food, I don't eat that much, but everything does add up...
Okay, I guess that was my little venting paragraph. :)
Over this past month I carved my very 1st pumpkin and it was pretty impressive! Other than the pumpkin I cant think of anything else at the moment...
I will post again soon. To all my readers out there, I hope you are enjoying the "vents of an average alaskan"......